
The Trust encourages former scholars to engage in a community of practice after returning home.

The Trust is very proud of its alumni and alumni network, and the Community now has more than 500 members from over 40 countries. Many hold significant positions in their home country, and support the development of contextually appropriate ELT.

The Hornby Trust encourages its former scholars to join our alumni network after returning home, forming a community of practice with other Hornby alumni around the world. This enables them to exchange stories and advice, and to build their professional and personal relationships. Our alumni are also encouraged to bid for Alumni Project funding, often working with others in the alumni network, to focus on the development of English language teaching in their home contexts.

We support some alumni, who have completed a project to attend the IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Second Language) conference to present their research.


Celebrating our Alumni

Here are a few stories from our alumni. Are you Hornby Trust alumnus? Would you like your story to be added? Contact us here.

María Alejandra Soto


University of Leeds 2010-2011

Read Bio

May May Win


Lancaster University 2011-2012

Read Bio

Ass Prof Komila Tangirova


University of Warwick 2016-2017

Read Bio

Prof Amol Padwad


University of Leeds 1999-2000

Read Bio

Laxman Gnawali


Plymouth Marjohn University/University of Exeter 2000-2001

Read Bio

Dr Prithvi Shrestha


Lancaster University 2002-2003

Read Bio

Meet the some scholars who are now alumni and see what they have to say about their scholarship.

Suyog Dixit – India
With kind permission of Danz English

Lim Jia Lih – Malaysia
With kind permission of Danz English

Dulmin – Sri Lanka
With kind permission of OUP

Alumni Project Awards

On returning home we offer our alumni the chance to apply for funding to run workshops, seminars, exchanges, needs analyses and courses, including online courses.

It is hoped alumni benefit from the scheme by engaging in useful work for their community which they later report on to other alumni, thus strengthening the wider alumni network as well as their own.

Who can apply?

Any Hornby Trust alumni. The scheme has expanded over the last few years and will have funding for up 15 projects in 2024-2025.

When can we apply?

Applications for projects are invited in September/October each year with a mandatory review of your proposal to complete before submission at the end of December.

How can we apply?

When applications are open, you can click on the ‘Apply here’ button to download the application form.

What are the particular areas of interest to Hornby?

We see alumni projects as providing a valuable opportunity for alumni to collaborate and help one another. A WhatsApp group is formed each year to enable communication, and successful applicants have a chance to meet each other, explain their projects and consider possibilities for collaboration at an online meeting early in the project cycle.

We want projects to contribute to the enhancement of English teaching in public education systems in low- and middle-income countries, by:

  • promoting identification, nurturing and/or sharing of local expertise
  • enhancing a focus on stated needs of learners and teachers.

We look for projects that:

  • share meaningful and useful resources, skills or knowledge among local teacher communities
  • identify, nurture or share local expertise
  • involve a focus on stated needs of learners and teachers
  • achieve maximum engagement and impact for the funds expended
  • have a wider and sustained impact.

All proposals must contain a clear procedure for evaluating the longer-term effectiveness of the project (i.e. not just an immediate reaction questionnaire) as well as a timeline and plan of activities, in addition to lasting no longer than one year

What is the timeline?

September Call for proposals
Nov-Dec Application drafts reviewed by panel
13 December Deadline for submission of drafts to the panel
31 December Closing date
31 January Applications reviewed and successful applicants notified
March Grant funds transferred
March What’s App group set up and projects commence
March Projects completed
June Reports submitted

Over the last five years we have funded projects in these countries


Alumni ELT Journal Mentoring Scheme

The scheme aims to help Hornby Alumni to contribute to the published knowledge base of English language teaching, through providing mentoring for them to submit articles for publication in ELT JournalSystem or an established local/regional journal of their choice.

The scheme is open to all Hornby alumni who have material or ideas they would like to turn into a full journal article,  and who have not previously published in the chosen journal.

Download some of the articles here.

Some Hornby Alumni talk about their projects:

Nigeria – Mabel Nyengiwari

Nigeria – Victoria Inwang

Indonesia – Ika Lestari Damanyanti and Pipit Prihartanti Suharto

Alumni projects

Ethiopia: Tesfaye Habtemariam

A Hybrid Training of Trainers on Instructional English: An initial stage of a cascading model




India: Kuheli Mukherjee

Questioning in English Language Classrooms: a reflection in action



India: Ravinarayan Chakrakodi

Teacher Research in South India




Indonesia: Ika Lestari Damanyanti and Pipit Prihartanti Suharto

Empowering English Teachers in Indonesia to Engage in Curriculum Reform through a Hybrid-cascade Teacher Training Programme



Mozambique: Cândida José Arlindo

Improving English Teaching Through Collaborative Subject Groups



Rwanda: James Mbonyuburyo

Teacher-Research Project for Teachers in Rawanda



Tanzania: William Mwinuka

Enhancing English Language Teachers Continuing Professional Development (CPD) through Classroom Reflective Practice



Ukraine: Nataliia Krynska

Co-operative Development Practices in Teachers Associations as a Means of Supporting Teachers and Developing Resilience in Ukraine



Uzbekistan: Komila Tangirova

Activating Teacher Communities in Regional Areas through Wider Engagement and Expertise Sharing



Vietnam: Khoa Do and Ha Nguyen

Non-judgemental Dialogues for Continuing Professional Development



Zambia: George Kanyama

Language Teachers Association Leadership Development Course



Are you a Hornby alumni who has lost contact with the community?

Reconnect here. We would love to welcome you back.